Stay informed, know where your loved ones are and help if able.
Powerful easy to use tools to coordinate loop help at local, national and global levels.

Set up scheduled check-ins or reminders with loved ones living or aging alone.
Receive alerts if they fail to check-in.

Be notified of public assistance requests with amber alerts and help keep our children safe.
Opt-in to use our sophisticated tools to help with the search.

Receive emergency alerts of imminent danger in your vicinity and get real-time updates for situational awareness and decision making.

Increase your chances of survival and discovery with fall and impact detection that initiates a red alert.
Useful for the car and those living in assisted housing.

Don’t live with domestic violence alone. Set up your safety network so you get help when you need it most.
Securely update supporting agencies in real-time and use your wallet for emergency needs.

Become a community responder… you may be the difference between life and death for someone close by.

Use our silent alarm feature to notify emergency services of your location to avoid detection in dangerous situations.